The Parents’ Association

The Parents’ Association consists of parents of the students in the school. Parents volunteer to form the Parents’ Association at the Annual General Meeting of parents each year. The Parents’ Association Committee acts as a representative body.

Having followed the process outlined in my previous letter, the following parents have been nominated to serve in the Parents’ Association in 2019/20. 


Parent  Parent 

1st Year 

Mark Jackson 

Caroline Coen 

2nd Year 

Anne-Marie McCormack  Catriona Cunniffe (Chairperson)

3rd Year 

Gillian Connolly 

Aisling Farrell (Treasurer)

4th Year 

Aideen Hogan 

Bernie Tivnan

5th Year  Deanna Tebbe 

Anne Kubican (Secretary)

6th Year  TBC 



The aims of the Association are:

  • To represents the views of parents
  • To defend the right of voluntary denominational schools to exist
  • The promote the educational and general welfare interests of the students  of the school.
  •  To keep parents of pupils attending the school informed of the problems of running a voluntary school and of current educational trends and developments in education in the school.
  • To vindicate the right of parents to consultation and information on government educational policy.
  • To foster co-operation between parents, teachers and school management
  • To provide opportunities for parents and the school Principal or representative of staff to meet and exchange ideas on the education of their children and to address topics of mutual interest
  • To help with provision of extra equipment and fundraising
  • To collaborate with teachers and students in the development of school policies.

Parents who wish to become actively involved in the school are welcome and encouraged to join the Parents’ Association.


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

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Cultural Day

On Wednesday May 8th, we celebrated Cultural Day here in St Mary's College. Pupils from fifteen different countries...

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