Congratulations to our third year student Riona Bonner who won one of two Gaelteacht Scholarships to the value of 750 euro sponsored by Sligo County Council. Riona had to write an Irish essay on the meaning of Sligo County Council to her as a young person. The competition was open to all students in Sligo schools. Riona was presented with her award this afternoon by the Chairperson of the Council Cllr Gerard Mullaney. Riona is pictured here with her Irish teacher Ms. Tara Reilly.
Comhghairdeachas lenár mac léinn tríú bliain Riona Bonner a bhuaigh ceann de dhá Scoláireacht Gaeltachta ar luach 750 euro atá urraithe ag Comhairle Contae Shligigh. Bhí ar Riona aiste Ghaeilge ar bhrí Chomhairle Contae Shligigh a scríobh di agus í ina duine óg. Bhí an comórtas oscailte do gach dalta i scoileanna Shligigh. Bhronn Cathaoirleach na Comhairle, an Comhairleoir Gerard Mullaney, a gradam ar Riona tráthnóna inniú. Tá Riona sa phictiúr anseo lena múinteoir Gaeilge Tara Reilly.